
Wampy.js can be installed using surprisingly npm :)

> npm install wampy

For simple browser usage just download the latest archive and add wampy-all.min.js file to your page. It contains msgpack encoder plus wampy itself.

<script src="browser/wampy-all.min.js"></script>

In case, you don't plan to use msgpack, just include clean wampy.min.js.

<script src="browser/wampy.min.js"></script>

In case you are using any kind of build tools and bundlers, like grunt/gulp/webpack/rollup/vite/etc, your entry point can be src/wampy.js if you transpile you code somehow, or dist/wampy.js (default package entry point) which is already transpiled to "env" preset, so it is working out of the box, just bundle modules.

Last updated